Rewarding Loyalty: Thinking Outside The Wallet

Rewarding Loyalty: Thinking Outside The Wallet

During the peak holiday season, consider rewarding your customers for something other than their purchases.

Retail Refresh

Retail Refresh

I recently stumbled into the retail shopping experience of the future. And I like it.

If It Ain’t Broke…

If It Ain’t Broke…

Change motivated by customer insight? Great idea. Change for the sake of change? Terrible idea.

An Award-Winning Philosophy

An Award-Winning Philosophy

Recent industry recognition for our approach to solving our clients’ customer problems makes me think we’re on to something.

Plan, Build, And Test

Plan, Build, And Test

These three tried and true tips for survey design will help you get the best insights possible.

What Do Customers Want? Just Ask.

What Do Customers Want? Just Ask.

Could figuring out what customers want really be as simple as asking them?

What Is People-Based Marketing?

What Is People-Based Marketing?

Since we just won an award for that very subject, we’ll fill you in on a thing or two.

The Customer Business Dimension

The Customer Business Dimension

If the definition of a “customer” is unknown, how can any business truly focus on its customers?

Make Your Team Great

Make Your Team Great

Team success doesn’t come easy, but excelling at these five things can turn your team into a winner.

Change Management Stinks (And That’s Ok)

Change Management Stinks (And That’s Ok)

In business, it’s always important to remember that while change is hard, unmanaged change is even harder.