Grooming A Unicorn

Grooming A Unicorn

If you create the right environment, the elusive, well-rounded data scientist will emerge. Here’s how we do it at Elicit.

Death To The Weekly “Insight”

Death To The Weekly “Insight”

The integrity of a word that is vital to my day to day has been compromised and I am dead set on restoring it.

Mountainous Molehills

Mountainous Molehills

Believe it or not, a seemingly insignificant problem can completely ruin your customers’ experience.

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Test results speak for themselves. The question is, are you ready to listen to the data over your gut?

The Test And Learn Team

The Test And Learn Team

Like any successful squad, you need to stock your test and learn team with a diverse combination of talent and skillsets.

Marketing Will Always Need The Human Touch

Marketing Will Always Need The Human Touch

The start of the year is always a marriage of reflection and prediction. The only guarantee for 2018, is change.

“Personalization” At 30,000 Feet

“Personalization” At 30,000 Feet

If mispronouncing my name is the best you can do, it’s probably time to rethink your personalization efforts.

The Danger Of Prediction Without Explanation

The Danger Of Prediction Without Explanation

When it comes to solving business problems, explanation is usually more important than prediction.

You’ve Got Me All Wrong

You’ve Got Me All Wrong

Not leveraging customer data is bad, but leveraging the wrong customer data may be even worse.

We’re A Problem-Solving Teamily

We’re A Problem-Solving Teamily

An innovative culture isn’t created overnight, but these five tips can help get you there sooner than you may think.