Posts Tagged "research"

If It Ain’t Broke…

If It Ain’t Broke…

Change motivated by customer insight? Great idea. Change for the sake of change? Terrible idea.

Plan, Build, And Test

Plan, Build, And Test

These three tried and true tips for survey design will help you get the best insights possible.

A Brave New World

A Brave New World

In the not-too-distant future, behavioral data and primary research will go hand in hand.

Customer Centricity Isn’t Just For Big Businesses

Customer Centricity Isn’t Just For Big Businesses

Big or small, it’s never a bad idea for companies to reflect on their customers before making changes.

An Experiment in Creativity

An Experiment in Creativity

We set out to discover if it is possible to condition your brain for creative thinking.

What’s To Love About French Fries?

What’s To Love About French Fries?

Believe it or not, brands are about more than just taste, smell, or a sense of satisfaction.

Be Careful What You Ask For

Be Careful What You Ask For

While it’s a good thing to seek customer feedback, you can reach the wrong conclusions if you don’t do it right.

Every Angle Matters

Every Angle Matters

How Zimbabwean sculptures led me to recognize the importance of perspective in data science.

Corndogs And Insights

Corndogs And Insights

Insights aren’t really insights until you’ve gotten to the core of what’s really going on.

Take A Step Back

Take A Step Back

Ellsworth Kelly was a unique and influential contemporary artist, but what can his work teach us about data science?