Posts Tagged "data science"

Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything

Customer purchase patterns and pumpkin spice lattes have more in common than you might think.



Snowflakes in September? Nah, I’m actually talking about customer segments. Trust me, they’re related.

The Other Two Options

The Other Two Options

Ready to solve a problem? Try thinking of two more solutions before you make your move.

When to Dig Deeper

When to Dig Deeper

Data can be misleading. Let’s take a look at when to dig deeper to find the most valuable insights your data has to offer.

After Hours with the Elicit Team

After Hours with the Elicit Team

Unfortunately, business problems don’t disappear at 5:00pm. Fortunately, we have “office hours.”

Reproducible Data Science

Reproducible Data Science

Could you recompose the sound of a symphony with nothing but the notes that comprise it?

Data Science: it’s a Team Sport

Data Science: it’s a Team Sport

Our Data Science team left their workspace a mess and I couldn’t be prouder.

Averages Are Evil

Averages Are Evil

What does data science have to do with football?