Posts Tagged "data science"

Real Data Scientists Ship

Real Data Scientists Ship

The hype around data science is starting to dissipate. How do we prove value in the long run?

Grooming A Unicorn

Grooming A Unicorn

If you create the right environment, the elusive, well-rounded data scientist will emerge. Here’s how we do it at Elicit.

Death To The Weekly “Insight”

Death To The Weekly “Insight”

The integrity of a word that is vital to my day to day has been compromised and I am dead set on restoring it.

“Personalization” At 30,000 Feet

“Personalization” At 30,000 Feet

If mispronouncing my name is the best you can do, it’s probably time to rethink your personalization efforts.

The Danger Of Prediction Without Explanation

The Danger Of Prediction Without Explanation

When it comes to solving business problems, explanation is usually more important than prediction.

Drip, Drip

Drip, Drip

Have your marketing efforts become an annoying drip landing on the heads of your customers?

It’s A Nerd, It’s A Plane…

It’s A Nerd, It’s A Plane…

Call it a Nerd’s intuition, but a confusing airline loyalty program perk is likely due to that airline’s lack of collaboration.

Data Science Leadership: The Marine Corps Way

Data Science Leadership: The Marine Corps Way

The Marine Corps didn’t just prepare me for battle; they prepared me to be a great leader.

What Good Is Data If You Don’t Use It?

What Good Is Data If You Don’t Use It?

Without a solid plan for utilization, your data collection efforts will be in vain.

Don’t Fear The Model

Don’t Fear The Model

When you think of a model as a tool, it’s easy to understand there are correct and incorrect ways to use it.