Posts Tagged "data"

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

How will I know when my customer portfolio is stabilizing?

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

How should I rebalance the use of historical vs real-time data?

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

What external data should I be looking at?

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

What does my current customer portfolio look like, and how healthy is it?

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

How are my core customer KPIs performing?

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

Customer Recalibration Amidst An Economic Crisis

The economic effects caused by the COVID-19 event are unprecedented. Here are the six customer data questions you should be asking today.

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Test results speak for themselves. The question is, are you ready to listen to the data over your gut?

“Personalization” At 30,000 Feet

“Personalization” At 30,000 Feet

If mispronouncing my name is the best you can do, it’s probably time to rethink your personalization efforts.

Retail Refresh

Retail Refresh

I recently stumbled into the retail shopping experience of the future. And I like it.

Drip, Drip

Drip, Drip

Have your marketing efforts become an annoying drip landing on the heads of your customers?