Posts Tagged "Customer Service"

If There’s Anything Else

If There’s Anything Else

If you’ve ever forgotten something at the airport you know that it’s as good as gone. But not this time.

You Get What You Pay For

You Get What You Pay For

My annual koozie purchase made me realize it’s time for consumers to start taking responsibility for their own customer experience.

BLASTing Through Customer Complaints

BLASTing Through Customer Complaints

Following these five simple steps will help you handle any complaint a customer can throw at you.

Doing It Right

Doing It Right

A company that shares my passion and cares about their customers? I’ll cheers to that.

Creating Brand Advocates

Creating Brand Advocates

You just let down a customer. Now’s the perfect opportunity to create a brand advocate.

The Hole in the Donuts

The Hole in the Donuts

Personalization is great, as long as you are personalizing to the right person.

Thanks For Calling, How Can I Help Us?

Thanks For Calling, How Can I Help Us?

It’s time for companies to create winning situations for customers with decision support systems.

When Customer Ignorance Is Bliss

When Customer Ignorance Is Bliss

Recently, I found out that thinking an airline lost your bags is nearly as bad as actually losing them.

Building Emotional Connections

Building Emotional Connections

Believe it or not, a terrible experience can still be turned into a positive emotional connection with a customer.

Win Me Back

Win Me Back

As a customer, how many chances would you give a company that just keeps making mistakes?