Posts Tagged "Customer Experience"

Be Careful What You Ask For

Be Careful What You Ask For

While it’s a good thing to seek customer feedback, you can reach the wrong conclusions if you don’t do it right.

What Keeps You Up At Night?

What Keeps You Up At Night?

We asked this question to leading marketing and customer experience professionals and their answers may surprise you.

Creating Brand Advocates

Creating Brand Advocates

You just let down a customer. Now’s the perfect opportunity to create a brand advocate.

The Definition Of A Customer

The Definition Of A Customer

As important as it is, getting to a common definition of a customer often times gets lost in strategic planning.

When Customer Ignorance Is Bliss

When Customer Ignorance Is Bliss

Recently, I found out that thinking an airline lost your bags is nearly as bad as actually losing them.

Building Emotional Connections

Building Emotional Connections

Believe it or not, a terrible experience can still be turned into a positive emotional connection with a customer.

Emotional Caveats of Customer Experience

Emotional Caveats of Customer Experience

What turns happy customers into brand fanatics, or slightly dissatisfied customers into vocal detractors?

Just For You

Just For You

Why does Valentine’s Day have to bring out the absolute worst in email marketing?

Win Me Back

Win Me Back

As a customer, how many chances would you give a company that just keeps making mistakes?

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

One company’s great example of why personalization is important and how to put it into action.