Posts Tagged "Customer Centricity"

The Innovator’s Dilemma

The Innovator’s Dilemma

How far you can innovate and how far you should innovate are two very different things.

The Hole in the Donuts

The Hole in the Donuts

Personalization is great, as long as you are personalizing to the right person.

Are You Ready to Focus on the Customer?

Are You Ready to Focus on the Customer?

Here are five things you need to ask yourself about your organization before embarking on a customer-centric mission.

Emotional Caveats of Customer Experience

Emotional Caveats of Customer Experience

What turns happy customers into brand fanatics, or slightly dissatisfied customers into vocal detractors?

Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything

Customer purchase patterns and pumpkin spice lattes have more in common than you might think.