Posts Tagged "Customer Centricity"

Mountainous Molehills

Mountainous Molehills

Believe it or not, a seemingly insignificant problem can completely ruin your customers’ experience.

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Test results speak for themselves. The question is, are you ready to listen to the data over your gut?

If It Ain’t Broke…

If It Ain’t Broke…

Change motivated by customer insight? Great idea. Change for the sake of change? Terrible idea.

An Award-Winning Philosophy

An Award-Winning Philosophy

Recent industry recognition for our approach to solving our clients’ customer problems makes me think we’re on to something.

What Do Customers Want? Just Ask.

What Do Customers Want? Just Ask.

Could figuring out what customers want really be as simple as asking them?

The Customer Business Dimension

The Customer Business Dimension

If the definition of a “customer” is unknown, how can any business truly focus on its customers?

Drip, Drip

Drip, Drip

Have your marketing efforts become an annoying drip landing on the heads of your customers?

Customer Centricity Isn’t Just For Big Businesses

Customer Centricity Isn’t Just For Big Businesses

Big or small, it’s never a bad idea for companies to reflect on their customers before making changes.

Doing It Right

Doing It Right

A company that shares my passion and cares about their customers? I’ll cheers to that.

MarTech IQ: Conference Roundup

MarTech IQ: Conference Roundup

The AdAge IQ Marketing Technology Conference was recently held in New York and Elicit was on the scene.