Posts Tagged "analytics"

Real Data Scientists Ship

Real Data Scientists Ship

The hype around data science is starting to dissipate. How do we prove value in the long run?

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Test results speak for themselves. The question is, are you ready to listen to the data over your gut?

The Test And Learn Team

The Test And Learn Team

Like any successful squad, you need to stock your test and learn team with a diverse combination of talent and skillsets.

The Danger Of Prediction Without Explanation

The Danger Of Prediction Without Explanation

When it comes to solving business problems, explanation is usually more important than prediction.

A Brave New World

A Brave New World

In the not-too-distant future, behavioral data and primary research will go hand in hand.

What Good Is Data If You Don’t Use It?

What Good Is Data If You Don’t Use It?

Without a solid plan for utilization, your data collection efforts will be in vain.

The Segmentation Library

The Segmentation Library

A deep understanding of customers requires a diverse library of segmentations.

What Keeps You Up At Night?

What Keeps You Up At Night?

We asked this question to leading marketing and customer experience professionals and their answers may surprise you.

Every Angle Matters

Every Angle Matters

How Zimbabwean sculptures led me to recognize the importance of perspective in data science.

Why Your Data Efforts Fail

Why Your Data Efforts Fail

Many businesses fail to efficiently convert data into actions. Let’s look at how executives can marshal their forces to improve.