Grooming A Unicorn

May 31, 2018


I often reflect on what makes working at Elicit such a rewarding job. At the end of the day, it comes down to hiring great people and creating a culture that inspires. Yet I don’t think there’s anything exceptional about that statement. Just about every company wants to hire great people and have a rewarding company culture, and I’d venture to say that just about every company in America says they do just that. But do they? In my opinion, we actually do at Elicit.

Recently, I wrote an article published at Information Management about our approach to the data science onboarding process at Elicit and how we leverage our Geek Nerd Suit philosophy. The rise in importance of technology in business over the past two decades means in order to effectively solve problems in a business you need people who speak Geek, Nerd, and Suit. No longer can data scientists sit in their Nerd bubble, worrying about exclusively Nerd things. That’s why when we’re hiring, onboarding, and developing our data scientists, we evaluate them across the entire framework, not just the Nerd portion.

I highly encourage you to give the full article a read.

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