An Award-Winning Philosophy

Oct 20, 2017


My colleague, Michelle Thomas, recently wrote a post about Elicit’s recognition as MediaPost’s People-Based Marketing Agency of the Year. It is worth repeating that we are so honored to receive this designation, and we absolutely don’t take these things for granted.

This explains why I have spent the past week or so dissecting how we got here. Hard work? Sure. Intelligent output? Of course. Clear objectives? Probably. The right team? Bingo.

In our book, Geek Nerd Suit, we explain how it takes a combination of technology, insight, and strategic application to strengthen customer engagement over time. You have to know customers, dig deep to uncover what really matters to them, and meticulously apply this knowledge across every interaction you have with them. It’s not easy, and the journey is usually an arduous one that starts by building bridges across three functions that haven’t always worked in partnership with one another.

But this isn’t just something we preach to our clients, it’s also something we practice. The Geek Nerd Suit approach wouldn’t work if we weren’t able to support each function directly. Our team is a constantly evolving mix of technologists, analysts, and strategists, and we proactively approach our clients’ problems through all three lenses. In fact, one of the unintended consequences of our internal cross-functional partnership is that we now have a team of hybrids, where skill sets are starting to converge.

My biggest takeaway from this reverie is that it is ultimately our team that has created a culture of people-based marketing. You don’t get to an award-winning philosophy without a kick-@$$ team behind it. And for that, this nerdy suit is infinitely grateful.

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