After Hours with the Elicit Team

Jul 17, 2015


We all had difficult classes in school. While it was the professor’s job to challenge us, they usually offered a set of “office hours” to provide their students with an opportunity to come by for some one-on-one assistance. That face time with the professor created a different dynamic than the classroom setting and often times provided the additional perspective or support you needed to tackle an assignment.

But that was school. In the working world, office hours typically don’t exist. Even if your boss has an open-door policy, there usually isn’t time to cover anything more than the most pressing business matters. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could bring back the collaborative and educational aspects of office hours to your job?

After a hard day’s work, our Dallas team retreats to our unofficial “office,” the hotel restaurant, for our own version of “office hours.” Over food and drinks, our team members weigh in on client current affairs, debate best practices, or just catch up and brainstorm new ideas. These conversations don’t always have to be serious; they can involve many other interests our team members share outside of our work. Our team’s ability to relate and share a broad spectrum of ideas helps us in our day-to-day interaction, prompting the free flow of ideas and encouraging bonding between our subject matter experts.

When I first started going to client sites in Dallas, I found the approachability and the atmosphere of Office Hours to be an extremely inviting one that encouraged me to ask questions, probe for deeper understanding, and get the benefit of other team members’ experiences and insights; from the Chief Data Scientist all the way down to my peers. Aggregating these insights has made me an increasingly well-rounded Data Scientist and allows me to take a different approach to solving the tough problems Elicit takes on.

Elicit promotes a culture that encourages collaboration within our team to produce ideas that challenge limits, break new ground, and put our clients at the forefront of our own personal innovation. So when tough challenges come our way, we know that we can lean on Office Hours for help. Thanks to the cohesion that is generated by this practice, it’s where many of our greatest ideas take shape. Sign me up!

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